Trinity Mission Statement
The Mission of Trinity Episcopal Church Matawan is to live the faith of Jesus Christ in a community of worship by loving one another, embracing all, and celebrating our diversity, to nurture and strengthen our spiritual lives through Christian Education, Charity, and Evangelism, and to be a visible presence in serving Jesus Christ through active worship and ministries.
Trinity Vision
At Trinity, we strive to be an open, warm, and accepting family who enthusiastically work and pray together. We seek to grow closer to Christ by loving God and loving our neighbor.
A Prayer for Trinity
Almighty and ever living God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, her our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore and penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy church; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our Clergy
The Rev Ann Strazza
Deacon Magdalena Aders
Contact Trinity
Office Hours: Tuesday -Thursday 9am to 3pm
Church Office Phone: 732-591-9210
Office email:
Trinity Facebook Page:
Upcoming Events
Sunday September 8th- Regular Services resume- 8am and 10am
Saturday, October 5th-MATAWAN DAY! COME VISIT OUR TABLE 12 pm to 5 pm
Located at: Borough Hall-Matawan/201 Broad St./Terhune Park, Matawan
Volunteers welcome to represent for half hour or one hour
Also on October 5th from 6 pm to 9 pm is our GOODS & SERVICES AUCTION!!
Doors Open 6 pm: Bidding: 6 pm to 7 Pm/TICKETS AT THE DOOR OR CALL THE OFFICE
Sunday, October 6th-The Blessing of the Animals (after the 10 am Service)
*If your pet is shy, bring a photo or a favorite toy or item to be blessed!
December 7th- Our Famous Cookie Walk & White Elephant Sale 9 am to 2 pm