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Parish Profile (working draft, in progress) > X. COMMUNICATION

21 Jul 2010

In addition to the Bulletin and Announcements which are printed and distributed at Sunday services, extensive and regularly updated news and information about Trinity Episcopal Church is provided on the parish website at www.trinitymatawan.com

The website at www.trinitymatawan.com is currently maintained and continuously updated by a journalist and web publishing professional who performs this service as part of his stewardship as a Trinity parishioner. He has recommended that these services be shared with the church secretary and at least one additional member of the congregation in order to ensure long term continuity. The domain name trinitymatawan.com has been secured through 2018. Web hosting and production software are provided by a national web publishing firm at a cost of $218 per year.

While the website exceeds both the frequency and volume of information previously provided in a quarterly monthly newsletter called Tidings, a printed newsletter drawn from posted content could be introduced.